What is an apron stage?

Not to be confused with the stage of life when one wears an apron, the apron is the part of a stage that projects out into the auditorium and into the audience. We take it as a metaphor for doing something that enhances our daily lives and extends them out a bit. (Initially, we thought that for each of us that something was writing. Turns out, it was having an audience. Another reason we liked the title…)

What’s your blog about?

You know how people have running buddies so they’ll actually go running? Think of this as writing buddies. That makes the blog about the thing that each of us decided to write about that day. Said differently, it’s about whatever we want.

Each of us has been assigned a day of the week, and then we’ll often try to delegate Fridays to a guest writers. Sarah on Mondays, Lisa on Tuesdays, Rebecca on Wednesdays, and Louise on Thursdays.  If you’d like to be a guest writers, send us your post.

But your blog: it lacks.

We suffer no delusions. The Apron Stage is just beginning. We (honestly) welcome any suggestions, tips, improvements, etc., that you may have for us. (We don’t even care if you set up a fake email address or leave an anonymous comment—we can take it.)We especially welcome anyone who knows anything about editing CSS and feels like doing us a “small favor.”

How can I contact you?

Email us at theapronstage{at}gmail dot com. If you’d like to contact one of us individually, say so in your email and that person will get back to you.

Do you promote products or host giveaways?

When we were in the planning stages of this blog Rebecca asked that very question. Sarah almost fell over in laconic disgust. “Can we please not be another place promoting consumerism?” So until Rebecca can convince Sarah to sell out (no pun intended), we do not promote products.

How can I be a guest blogger?

Send your post to us. We have a list of writers that we go to, but we’d love to add you to the list. Guest blogger posts will appear on Fridays. Posts should be between 200-600 words. Note: Please write your posts for a demographically diverse audience. Despite the evidence to the contrary, our readership is (and should be) variously religious, gendered, educated, and raced. We know, we know–our regular writership does not reflect this diversity (though we usually do try to write for it). We’re currently trying to decide which one of us will change her sex/religion/race to remedy this discrepancy. Feel free to send us your votes.

Can we advertise on your blog?

We’re working all of that out. Email us. We would love for The Apron Stage to be a mutually beneficial relationship…

How do you all know each other?

Rebecca. She is the center of everything good and right in the world. (That’s not the only true answer, but it’s the truest answer.)